The book release function of our new publication 'Sri Ramana Satsangamu' was held in Sri Ramanasramam. The president of Sri Ramanasramam Sri V S Ramanan was kind enough to hand over the first copies of this book to our President Sri D V S Sastry. The president Sri V S Ramanan read out a Sloka from Sri Ramana Chatvarimsat before handing over the books to Sri D V S Sastry. It was a momentous occasion for all the members present there. After the function, all the members paid due respects to the President Sri V S Ramanan and thanked him for his noble gesture.
Some of the related photographs have been posted below.
The above function was held during our Tour Programme to Sri Ramanasramam from 2nd of September to 4th of September. This tour was planned to coincide the Advent Day Celebrations. The members who participated in the said tour were:-
1. Sri D.V.S.Sastry, 2. Sri. C.L.Giridhar, 3. Sri DBV Naresh, 4. Sri D.B.V.Avadhani 5. Sri CSSS Prasad, 6. Sri CJM Rao, 7. Smt. C. Vijayalakshmi, 8. Sri D. Chaitanya. Others who participated in the tour programme were 1. Smt C.Annapurna, 2. Smt DBT Sundari 3. Smt D. Usha 4. Sri D.Bhargava 5. Sri VK Satyanarayana 6. Smt Usha Satyanarayana.
During the above tour all the members did Giri Pradakshina, visited Skandasramam and also Virupaksha Cave. All the members also had a good Darshan of Sri Arunachaleswar in the main temple. There were special Satsang Programmes conducted during the above tour and other members also participated through tele-conference. During these Satsangs, many interesting topics were discussed and all the members participated with full energy and vigour.
Despite the many obstacles that came along our way, the tour went on as planned and was a satisfactory experience for all. It is needless to say that all this happened only due to the grace of Sri Ramana Bhagavan.
Om Namoh Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya.