Saturday, 18 May 2013

2nd Annual General Body Meeting at New Delhi

The Annual General Body Meeting of the Ramana Bhakta Mandali was held on 05/05/2013 at the residence of President Sri D V S Sastri at New Delhi. The following members were present at the meeting.

  1. Sri D V S Shastri
  2. Sri C L Giridhar
  3. Smt C Vijayalakshmi
  4. Sri C S S S Prasad
  5. Sri C J M Rao
  6. Sri D Naresh Babu
  7. Sri D Narasayya
Before the start of the meeting, a Puja was performed to Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi  by Sri AVS Sarma. Sri D Narasayya welcomed all the delegates to the AGM. He also welcomed the Chief Guest for the meeting Sri A V S Sarma.
The President Sri D V S Sastri then gave his presidential address. He welcomed all the delegates and stated that the trust has been focussing on publication of books and has come with more than 7 books till date. He also stated that the trust activities were moving in the right direction. He stated that the trust is in a nascent stage and the members should actively participate for its further progress.
The General Secretary then presented his report on the activities of the trust. A written brief of the report, the financial statements of the trust and the auditors report were given to all the members for examination and further deliberations. Mr D Narasayya asked whether the audit fees provision was adequate. After discussions on this issue, it was decided that the audit fees should be raised to Rs. 2000/-
The General Body then adopted the General Secretary's Report and the Financial Statements for the year 2011-12 and 2012-13.
The chief guest Sri A V S Sarma then spoke about his interaction with Ramana Devotees and also that how many paths lead to the same God. Sri A V S Sarma then thanked the trust for inviting him to the meeting.
The house then started deliberations on organizational matters. It was felt that the post of Accountant be filled in which is lying vacant after the resignation of Sri D B R Murthy. It was decided by the house that the posts of Vice President and Organizing Secretary be bifurcated since the Organizational activities need more time and attention.
It was proposed by the house that Sri D B V Narasiah, be appointed to the post of Accountant and Sri D Narasayya be appointed to the post of Organizing Secretary. The president said that prior consent of the members nominated to these posts be obtained before confirming the appointment. After taking  the consent from Sri D B V Narasiah and Sri D Narasayya, the above appointments were adopted by the house. The President then proposed that Sri A V S Sarma to be a 3rd Permanent Invitee to the trust for which he consented. The house welcomed this decision. It was also decided that Permanent Invitees will be exempt from Membership fee.
The executive committee elected for the current year is as below:

  1. Sri DVS Sastri -President
  2. Sri KM Sarma - Vice President
  3. Sri C.L.Giridhar - Managing Trustee and General Secretary
  4. Sri D.Narasayya - Organizing Secretary
  5. Sri DBV Narasiah - Accountant
  6. Sri DBV Avadhani - Treasurer
  7. Smt C Vijayalakshmi - Office Secretary

After the meeting, a Satsang was held at the same premises.
The Satsang was started with a prayer sung by Smt C Vijayalakshmi and Smt D Madhuri. Sri C J M Rao sang some devotional songs. Sri D Naresh Babu spoke about the life and teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi. Ramana Suktamu, Ramana Panasa, Ramana Sandarsana Gadyamu and Ramana Vijaya Ganamu were also recited.
The Chief Guest Sri A V S Sarma then inaugurated the latest publication of the trust 'Sri Ramanopadesa Saramu'. Copies of the book were distributed to all the persons present on the occasion. He then spoke about the contents of the book and explained some of the verses from the book.
Thereafter, fecilitations were done to the Chief Guest and some other members.
The Vote of Thanks was given by the President Sri D V S Sastry. He thanked all for having come to Delhi for the meeting.
The prasadam was distributed after the meeting.

The related photographs can be viewed by clicking the following link.

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